- It is so overwhelmed to become a mother. I mean 'we' should do multitasking job like cooking, cleaning, child rearing, laundry, not to mention when our child try to get our attention.
- With 24/7 working day, it is somehow a big hand if I could hire a nanny, maybe if I cook, she is the one who will take care of my daughter :). Rakhma, my lovely daughter, she will 2 years old next March. She is in explore and find new friend stages. She really like having new friend and not afraid of strange people. Somehow, she is more like hang out with her buddy rather than me. But, you cannot leave 2 years old without adult supervision, right? So, here I am. Split between my to-do list and supervise her.
- I will have more time for my self, definitely. My last time I walked alone was when I got pregnant. I really miss that episode.
- I could go to mall more freely, like try new outfits. It is impossible to try those one if you bring your child at the mall. She thinks mall is new place for exploration.
- H..h...h...finally I can breathe for a moment and share my 'wishes'.
So why not hire a nanny?
First and last because you have to pay them at least IDR 500.000,- per month. It is a big bug for our family. I just don't think it is good for our finance. I guess we 'survive' without nanny....
kayanya mending jangan punya nanny mbak, nyarinya servant aja. Jadi mbak Chandra bisa fokus ke anak dan perkembangannya. Bayaran pembantu bisa disesuaikan dengan pekerjaan apa yang dia lakukan. Mungkin dia akan mengerjakan pekerjaan yang paling berat menurut mbak. Misal cuma cuci baju & setrika. Yaudah, khusus itu saja. Bersih-bersih rumah bisa dilakukan sendiri. Nanti bayarannya juga lebih sedikit. Ibu saya juga menerapkan itu di rumah :)
BalasHapusMakasih mbak atas komentarnya. Menurut saya ada kelebihan dan kekurangan kalau kita pilih nanny atau pilih pembantu. Tapi untuk saat ini, cari pembantu atau nanny sulit cari yang cocok, mahal lagi hehehe. Makanya kami, maksudnya saya dan suami kompak berbagi kerjaan. Meskipun dalam perjalannya selalu ada kerikil-kerikil kecil.