New year is approaching near, its time to make a new wish and resolution! Here are my resolution or goals or what ever you may call it for next year;
- My personal life
- I will join volunteer work available around my community either online or offline
- I will blogging more in English at both my blog, and
- Studying e-commerce (Joomla!) that I left for a moment because I have to focus on my blogs.
- Becoming more spiritual person by reading spiritual books and doing volunteer work
- I will read more books about parenting, spiritual life and business
- Becoming more and more compassion, caring, resilient mother and housewife
- I will go to Jayapura next year with my daughter. I am so curious about this city.
- My relationships with husband
- This year had been a sensitive year for me and hubby. Really. I was too tired taking care of this house and my daughter and paid less attention to my hubby. "Dont sweat the small things" sometimes is not easy as it said especially when I feel exhausted and overwhelmed. But I still Thanks to God for him always on time paying the Internet bills every-month so I can do blogging.
- I really wish he could stop smoking at all but the fact is he did not do as I wanted to do. So next year I wish he could reduce his smoking habit just a little bit.
- My relationships with others
- I should thanks to Facebook because this media help me connected with my big family at Salatiga and Solo also my college buddy and my high school friends. I guess I will comment to their update pretty often. Beside, I will visit my parent again next March. Oh I am so excited!
- I will make scrapbook for my parent so when they miss us they just need to turn the page down.
So, what is your New Year Resolution? Share with me! Wish you Happy New Year 2010.