Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Ibukerte's 2010 New Year Resolution

New year is approaching near, its time to make a new wish and resolution!  Here are my resolution or goals or what ever you may call it for next year;

  1. My personal life
  • I will join volunteer work available around my community either online or offline
  • I will blogging more in English at both my blog, and
  • Studying e-commerce (Joomla!) that I left for a moment because I have to focus on my blogs.
  • Becoming more spiritual person by reading spiritual books and doing volunteer work
  • I will read more books about parenting, spiritual life and business
  • Becoming more and more compassion, caring, resilient mother and housewife
  • I will go to Jayapura next year with my daughter. I am so curious about this city.
  1. My relationships with husband 
  • This year had been a sensitive year for me and hubby.  Really.  I was too tired taking care of this house and my daughter and paid less attention to my hubby.  "Dont sweat the small things" sometimes is not easy as it said especially when I feel exhausted and overwhelmed.  But I still Thanks to God for him always on time paying the Internet bills every-month so I can do blogging.
  • I really wish he could stop smoking at all but the fact is he did not do as I wanted to do.  So next year I wish he could reduce his smoking habit just a little bit.
  1.  My relationships with others
  •  I should thanks to Facebook because this media help me connected with my big family at Salatiga and Solo also my college buddy and my high school friends.  I guess I will comment to their update pretty often.  Beside, I will visit my parent again next March.  Oh I am so excited!
  • I will make scrapbook for my parent so when they miss us they just need to turn the page down.
 So, what is your New Year Resolution?  Share with me! Wish you Happy New Year 2010.

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Happy Mothers Day

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever - Anonymous-

For all mommy in the world, Happy Mothers Day!
For my mom, thank you so much for time, patience, toughness, ductility raise us.  Until me,  my brothers and sisters could live complete and happily today. I love you Mom.

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

My favorite televition show

I like watching television, Who doesn't? and I think it is cheap, fast, quick entertainment.  I usually watches television after doing daily chores or domestic stuff.  But since I have a daughter, I follow some of children programs too.

Here are my favorites televition programs;

Titian Qalbu – TeveOne

Every morning, I sit back and listened peacefully. Religion teaching and everyday problems seem the perfect match that cannot be found on other programs.  It is also a good way to improve our faith despite our willingness to attend releligion forums.

How its Made – Discovery Channel.

I am still amaze how things are made from beginning until it become finish products.  Yesterday, I watched the making of carpet and still cannot believe that it is actually made from sheepskin and next it processed onto yarn.  The making the yarn is beyond my thought too. It is magnificent process how things from soft sheepskin becoming yarn and then transformed into carpets.  Well things is not as simple as it seen. Even a candy bar or marbles!

Oprah Winfrey Show – Metro Tv

I looooooove this woman! She has inspires a lot of people to do the good things, to live the best life.  One of my favorite is her session with Petter Walls, the clutter expert. One of his advise that workable for me is that labeling my kitchen container is helpful and useful. It make my refrigerator more simple and loose. He also said that every time we buy something we have to take out something from our house to avoid clutter.

Rachael Ray – Metro Tv

I impressed by her cooking talent and the way she babbling while she’s cooking is so funny.  I never ate western food but just looking at her cooking already make me want to eat them. Yummo!

Archipelago – Metro Tv

I occasionally watching it.  Traveling around the world is my dream.  Just to watching it make me happy and wondering when I can visit those countries. LOL.

Koki Cilik – Trans Tv

Koki Cilik in english means Little Cheft.  This programs like the title, taught the kids viewer to love to cook, and enjoy cooking.  Each session talk different subject from tomatoes, strawberry and so on. At the end of the show, they give how-to tips.
I like the presenter too – Prilly.  She is such a  young talented little girl.

Maybe you imagine me sitting in front of tv all day long.  Of course not, how ever i just enjoy it, I dont require my self to follow those programs. I found this list along the way.  So..what is your favorite tv show?

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Ingin seperti Prita Mulyasari

Hari ini ada peristiwa yang membuatku "down".  Aku merasa seharusnya aku berani berkata "TIDAK" tapi entah kenapa mulut ini terasa terkunci.  Aku bertanya-tanya kenapa sich aku tidak bisa tegas pada orang lain yang jelas-jelas mengambil untung dari posisiku.

Ceritanya dimulai ketika aku kehilangan hape dan terpaksa mengurus ke kepolisian Resort, Timika sore ini.  Kenapa harus ke polisi, karena pihak GRAPARI Telkomsel mensyaratkan demikian jika ingin nomor yang hilang bisa di aktifkan kembali.  Masalahnya adalah saya diminta untuk membayar biaya Administrasi sebesar Rp. 20.000,- rupiah padahal jelas-jelas antrean sebelum saya tidak di mintai ongkos Administrasi. Saya bertanya-tanya apakah karena saya orang Jawa dan wanita sehingga diperlakukan beda dari mereka (masyarakat Papua).  Saya tidak mempermasalahkan uang, tidak sama sekali.

Saya mencintai Papua, karena disinilah suami mencari nafkah dan menghidupi kami.  Namun terkadang ada saja oknum seperti ini , meskipun di Kepolisian.  Pernahkah kamu mengalami peristiwa diskriminatif seperti saya?

Gimana ya cara supaya aku bisa tegas jika menghadapi peristiwa serupa?  Dan menjadi pribadi yang tegas dan berani menyuarakan isi hati seperti Prita Mulyasari? Tidak takut untuk beropini selama kita yakin apa yang kita yakini sebagai sesuatu yang benar.  Need your advice, friends.

Senin, 07 Desember 2009

What is your self worth books

Author: Cheryl Saban, Ph. D
Publisher: Hay House, first edition May 2009
Book's thickness: 293 pages

Currently, I am reading "What is Your Self-Worth book" that I borrowed from Kuala Kencana Library. Actually, I did not intended to borrow this book at first but I just grasped it whatever in front of my eyes without even reading the summary at the back cover.  Surely, I am kind of of visual person who interested on Pink cover rather the main idea of the book heh.

But, after I had been reading the first page and then until the last page, I guaranteed that this book is worth to read, especially for women out there who seeking for identity quest like I did.  Yes, you did not wrong or mistakenly read it.  I had been struggling for such questions like "Am I worth as a women?",  "What is my life purpose?", "What will my life looks a like in next 10 or 20 years again?", "Did I walked on the right path?" and so on.   The searching of identity more clear after I decided to become a stay at home mom.  Ms. Cheryl is true when she mentioned on her book that we were sometimes too busy taking care of our family and we could lost our identity along the way.  Do you agree with her?  I was too busy so that I neglecting my self.  I did not put attention of my life purpose on the long run. On her books, Ms. Cheryl  invites us to write Personal Journal by answering personal questions from her.  With this questions, we can get more clear idea about who us really are and what we really want in this life.  Also wisdom from our peer and affirmations.  Yes, at the end of every chapter, Ms. Cheryl gave us Self-Worth Affirmations (Worth is abbreviations of Wisdom, Responsibility, Tenacity, Honesty). Truly Inspiring words.

This book surely has broaden my life's view that women are unique and equally important as men.  This books has a lot of wisdom, advice that very useful for women all around the world.  After reading this book, I hope I could practice "the joy of giving" as mentioned at the last chapter and teach my daughter, Rakhma How God has create women as unique and complete-pack creature and should proud of it. Truly Inspiring book!

You can visit her blog at or for more information about the author and the book.